dijous, 2 de juny del 2011


"An orphaned male bear cub which has charmed Slovenia with its antics since being adopted by a family faces removal to a wildlife shelter.

Family members have bonded with the cub, which is known to hug the family dog and play on the furniture. But officials fear the fourth-month-old cub could grow dangerous. 
The family have asked for permission to build a fenced enclosure, to be more close to him.

The cub's story has captivated sections of the press in Slovenia, a mountainous Balkan state with a brown bear population."

I have been searching news, and all they were talking about misfortunes... and I found it! It's a nice and curious news. I want a bear too! It seems so sweet and funny... You can see it in this photo:

The family dog has been getting bear hugs!
But look at dog's face! I think he doesn't love him very much.. uhm...

Isn't it so sweet? I hope that the bear is happy in his new life! 

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