dilluns, 26 de març del 2012


Edward Scissorhands is not only a movie for me, it's more than that. Maybe people think I'm mad, but this is true, this film changed my life. It seems my life has a purpose after saw this movie. It helped me be who I am today, I see myself in every word, in every Edward's reactions,... I saw it first time on December 2008. I felt completly lost,... I was down, I was drowning but it came on just in time! 

Tim Burton always know how to make me feel better with all his movies and stories. They are my escape when I'm stuck in this small town, they let me know like no one else that it's okay to be myself. In conclusion, I think the movie is more special for me is Edward Scissorhands. Probably it is because I saw it in a difficult moment for me. I saw myself in Edward's character (and I still see it!) and I don't know why, but it brings me security, hope,... I love this story. I have seen it a thousand times and I don't get bored! 

I was in a black hole and suddenly, Edward appeared. And with him, appeared Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. Since that moment, they became my idols, my inspiration. My new way of life. I already knew about Tim Burton and Johnny's movies, but Edward Scissorhands shocked me and afterwards I watched again his movies. 

I love Johnny as Edward. I think he wasn't acting... he was Edward in every way. Johnny said this movie saved his life, so we have a big thing in common :) When I say that for me Edward Scissorhands is the movie where Johnny appears more handsome, people laugh at me. But I really think it. He's so cute, so innocent,... I love him in every single way. And I don't give a shit what people thinks about it :D

I love the way his eyes shine when he smiles. He transmits a lot of peace... 

dimarts, 20 de març del 2012


Natàlia Sellés
Av. Olot número 1
1470 Girona
Sant Pere Pescador

March 19, 2012

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President;

Joseph Kony has been acting in a cruel way for twenty years. He is the most dangerous criminal in the world currently, at least to our knowledge. I am sure there are more dictators like him. Anyhow, thanks to Jason Russell, we know who he is and what has been doing Kony and now is in our hands stop him. However, we need a powerful state as United States to achieve it.

All people are entitled to their human rights, but in Uganda it seems impossible right now. I hope you can order the army to stop him, because everyone deserve to have their rights. In consequence, we all hope you can understand the situation and the army can achieve this dream which all we have.

Yours faithfully,

Natàlia Sellés


    1. What are human rights?
    Human rights are a fundamental rights which a person has to have because she or he is a human being. They are universal, applicable everywhere, and egalitarian, the same for everyone.
    2. Why were they created?
    There are many reasons to know why were they created. First, because it was necessary: everyone has to have their human rights. On the other hand, there have been a lot of barbarous acts which have outrage the conscience of mankind and it's essential that man doesn't be compelled to have recourse to rebellion against tirany and oppresion. Also, there have to be a friendly relations between nations, because all of us are humans and all of us have to be treated as equal.
    3. How many human rights are there?
    There are 30 articles of the human rights.
    4. Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected.
    1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
    I think this human right is not respected and we can demostrate it even here, in Spain. There aren't a spirit of brotherhood between spanish people, or so it seems. And also, I don't believe we born free. It seems our lives are written. You have to go to school, later to the highschool, you have to study more and after, you have to work (if you find one). It's what they want, and it seems it's what you have to do. All of us. Where is freedom? It's only an illusion. But well, we don't have to be so radicals. It's true we are able to chose what we want... a job, a house, a car, a wife or a husband,...
    On the other hand, were are the equal rights? Spain's King has not the same laws as the other people, for example. Or you can find it in the example of Camps: why is he different? In my opinion, people have to think about this article.
    5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
    Luckily, where I live this human right is respected. But there are a lot of countries where, sadly, it isn't. For example, we can see Uganda. And I'm sure there are a lot of countries more that we don't know about. If we see the past, all the human rights were broken. The clearest example: nazism. A thousand of jewish were subjected to torture and inhuman treatment.


All of us must have our human rights. We are living in the same world and we have to respect each other. But there are a lot of human rights which are not respected in a lot of places on the Earth, sadly. For example, I don't think we are free. What about this countries where women seem slaves? Why they don't have their human rights? I don't believe they are able to chose what they want. And there's a lot of countries too where people don't feel secure, and this is another human right.

Luckily, it seems the article 5 (No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.) is more respected now than before. But we have seen in Kony's video that's not true. And of course, there have to be a lot of countries more where it happens, but we don't know about them. On the other hand, I don't believe everyone is recognised everywhere as a person before the law. Sadly, it seems money has the total power in this planet. You can do what you want, and after, when you must go to prison, you can pay or you can contract important lawyers... and you're free again! Where is the law here? And... why there are some people who are able to break them?

When I read the article 13 ((1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.) I thought about North's Corea. They live under a dictature and they have no freedom of anything. It's extremely difficult for them to leave the country. We are always in the same problem: there are so many states who haven't human rights. Why? And how can we change it? In consequence, there are a lot of countries where aren't a freedom of thought, conscience and religion. I know in a past the situation was worst. But again we are in the same problem!

I could be talking about it a long long time: about free education, children rights,... but I have already arrived to my conclusion. Human rights have developed a lot. In contrast, there are a lot of countries which don't have them. Anyway, there's always the same question: what we can do to change it? It's truly difficult to remodelate the way of thinking about this states, this cultures... However, we mustn't forget these human rights. We are all humans, we have the same rights as equal. In my opinion, we have to think about it... 

dilluns, 19 de març del 2012


I've already upload Rawiora, my short movie of the Research Paper, subtitled in english :) Thanks to you, Sonia, and Rebecca (and my friend Maire) for helping me! I've learnt a few english expressions and words I didn't knew before. It has been a nice experience... I hope a lot of people could watch and understand it now! It was my intention :)

"Find what makes you whole, even if you can't find it on the surface..."

diumenge, 18 de març del 2012


I'm the happier person in the world right now. Dark Shadows trailer has come and on May 11th we'll be able to watch the movie in the cinema!! I can't wait anymore! Since Alice in Wonderland (2010) I haven't seen a Tim Burton's movie in the cinema... and this 2012 I'll see Dark Shadows and Frankenweenie! 

First time I saw the trailer two days before, I was surprised. I didn't imagine how would be the movie... but now I know it and I'm so excited and impatient to watch it! Moreover, Johnny looks so sexy in this movie, isn't he? :)

According to the trailer, the film seems very funny and entertaining. Furthermore it has the typical Burton's essence and in consequence, I really love it. The character of the witch has taken me aback.... what the hell she wants to do with my Johnny? 

In summary, I think it'll be a great and enjoyable movie :) I'll watch it in the premiere, so I'll do a film-review in the blog talking about it, sure! See you later and enjoy the trailer as I do ;)

dimarts, 6 de març del 2012


My ideal partner should be between 17 and 25 (in exception of Johnny Depp). It would be better if he lives near me, in Catalunya.

I prefer if he's tall, with rather long hair and also broad-shouldered. I really love men who have a stubble! I definetely want someone who takes care of himself. 

On the other hand, he has to love travel and he has also to love rollercoasters! A part from that, cinema is too important for me. Consequently, I want somebody who likes it! By the way, he mustn't be extremely religious! I'm rather nervous, so I need someone who can calm myself. Finally, I have to say I definetely hate routine... for this reason I want a man who can make me feel that everyday is different. 
I love my independence, so in consequence I can't be with somebody who always wants to control me. He mustn't be possessive or extremely jealous! I'm very fond of my friends and I don't want to go away from them. 

In conclusion, I hardly ever would ask someone out only for his body. For me, the most important thing is the inner part and his actions.

When I was writing it I was thinking of a particular person. Here you are a photo of him :) 

Isn't he cute? Joke, I was thinking of another person ;) 
Here you are: 

He's my ideal partner, Pau :)

divendres, 2 de març del 2012


"A woman in Bristol has given birth to quadruplets, who were all born on "leap day", 11 weeks early. Emma Robbins gave birth to four boys by Caesarean section within six minutes of each other on Wednesday night at St Michael's maternity hospital. Zachary, Rueben, Joshua and Samuel are all said to be doing well. All four were conceived naturally, and two of the babies are identical twins.

A consultant said it was "exceedingly rare" for quadruplets to be conceived naturally. Mrs Robbins said she was "surprised" when a scan showed she was pregnant with quads. The babies were born after 29 weeks and one day of pregnancy, on 29 February."

Mrs. Robins

Can you imagine to give birth to quadruplets? It must be horrible! Give birth scares me a lot, so I can't think about the idea of a quadruplet (in particular if they are conceived naturally!!) On the other hand, it seems incredible they were born on 29 february. It has been a big coincidence! Moreover, two of them are twins.... it's all too strange. 

But babies are ok, and that's the most important. In my opinion they will be very suprised when they discover how and when they were born! I think their mum won't want to have more babies...  

dijous, 1 de març del 2012


An apparently lavish Alice in Wonderland party at the White House has been criticised in a new book. The 2009 event saw the State Dining Room redecorated by film director Tim Burton, and was attended by Johnny Depp, President Obama and his wife. It was described by New York Times correspondent Jodi Kantor in her book, The Obamas.

After excerpts from the book were published, Britain's Telegraph newspaper described the Alice In Wonderland event as "an embarrassment for a White House that seems not to have heard of the age of austerity". But a White House official said the party was "no secret".

The Telegraph's Alex Spillius wrote: "Depp greeted guests in the costume he had worn in a film version of the Lewis Carroll story released around the same time by (Tim) Burton - the film's director - who was given carte blanche to transform the state dining room into a Mad Hatter's tea party."

In Kantor's book, The Obamas, she states: "White House officials were so nervous about how a splashy, Hollywood-esque party would look to jobless Americans or their representatives in Congress, who would soon vote on health care, that the event was not discussed publicly and Burton and Depp's contributions went unacknowledged."

But White House spokesman Eric Shultz denied Kantor's version of events.
"This was an event for local school children from the Washington DC area and for hundreds of military families. "If we wanted this event to be a secret, we probably wouldn't have invited the press corps to cover it, release photos of it to Flickr, or post a video from it on the White House website," he said in a statement released to Politico, a political news website.

I don't know what happens with humanity. What's wrong about celebrate a Wonderland's party in the White House? Yes, I know it's the White House, so it's so important and formal, bla bla bla. It was an event for local children! What do they want? A formal and BORING party? I'm so glad of Burton and Johnny's participation. Really, it had to be awesome, what a wonderful idea! I would give anything because this has happened to me! My home decorated as Alice in Wonderland's movie... mmmm... :) (including Tim and Johnny)

In my opinion, there are too many bored people in the world. They don't accept imagination and creativity... and it's so sad. What's wrong about that? Creativity makes the world better. It gives us hope, hapiness,... it makes us evolute. And not only to us but the world. I think all this people who criticizes people who's different of them are jealous. Simply. On the other hand, they don't believe in themselves, they think they can't achieve their dreams... and they only want to make believe this to the other people. 
I wonder why they don't just shut up. If they are a failures it's not our problem... we could help them to start believing in themselves, but simply they don't let us. 

To be extremely proud it's so bad. 

In conclusion, I love the idea of the White House. It had to be an incredible party with the best company. Children had to enjoy a lot! In conclusion, I love the idea of the White House. It had to be an incredible party with the best company. Children had to enjoy a lot! We have to be creatives... we don't have to listen to that kind of people! Just... live our lifes with hapiness :)