dimarts, 20 de març del 2012


All of us must have our human rights. We are living in the same world and we have to respect each other. But there are a lot of human rights which are not respected in a lot of places on the Earth, sadly. For example, I don't think we are free. What about this countries where women seem slaves? Why they don't have their human rights? I don't believe they are able to chose what they want. And there's a lot of countries too where people don't feel secure, and this is another human right.

Luckily, it seems the article 5 (No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.) is more respected now than before. But we have seen in Kony's video that's not true. And of course, there have to be a lot of countries more where it happens, but we don't know about them. On the other hand, I don't believe everyone is recognised everywhere as a person before the law. Sadly, it seems money has the total power in this planet. You can do what you want, and after, when you must go to prison, you can pay or you can contract important lawyers... and you're free again! Where is the law here? And... why there are some people who are able to break them?

When I read the article 13 ((1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.) I thought about North's Corea. They live under a dictature and they have no freedom of anything. It's extremely difficult for them to leave the country. We are always in the same problem: there are so many states who haven't human rights. Why? And how can we change it? In consequence, there are a lot of countries where aren't a freedom of thought, conscience and religion. I know in a past the situation was worst. But again we are in the same problem!

I could be talking about it a long long time: about free education, children rights,... but I have already arrived to my conclusion. Human rights have developed a lot. In contrast, there are a lot of countries which don't have them. Anyway, there's always the same question: what we can do to change it? It's truly difficult to remodelate the way of thinking about this states, this cultures... However, we mustn't forget these human rights. We are all humans, we have the same rights as equal. In my opinion, we have to think about it... 

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