dimarts, 29 de novembre del 2011


Ten years ago George Harrison died because of cancer, but he's still living in our lifes. He will live forever, I know. He was a great musician and an incredible person. Now he's having a rest in his favorite place: India. I know I've never met him (sadly) but I'm very fond of him. I think he was the most peaceful into the Beatles band! I don't know why, but he's the less known of the band, or it seems so. I love them all in a different way. For me George is peace, patience and a big smile. It seems he was always relaxed and you can see it reflected in their songs.  Well, all the Beatles reflects peace and love, but George had a different character than John, for example. 
Scorsese have record a movie about him. I want to see it! On Christmas I'll do :)

Now I'm going to translate this incredible song of George: While My Guitar Gently Weeps. 

I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping // Us veig a tot i veig l'amor que està dormint
While my guitar gently weeps // Mentre la meva guitarra plora dolcement

I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping // Miro el terra i veig que necessita ser escombrat

Still my guitar gently weeps // Mentre la meva guitarra continua plorant dolcement

I don't know why nobody told you how to unfold your love // No sé per què ningú et va dir com revelar el teu amor

I don't know how someone controlled you // No sé com algú t'ha controlat

They bought and sold you. // Els t'han comprat i t'han vengut

I look at the world and I notice it's turning // Miro al món i me n'adono que està girant

While my guitar gently weeps // Mentre la meva guitarra plora dolcement

With every mistake we must surely be learning // Amb cada error que nosaltres hem hagut d'aprendre

Still my guitar gently weeps // Mentre la meva guitarra continua plorant dolcement

I don't know how you were diverted // No sé com tu et vas desviar

You were perverted too // Vas ser pervertida també

I don't know how you were inverted // No sé com vas canviar

No one alerted you. // Ningú et va advertir.

I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping // Us miro a tots i veig l'amor que està dormint

While my guitar gently weeps // Mentre la meva guitarra plora dolcement

Look at you all . . . // Us miro a tots...

Still my guitar gently weeps. // Mentre la meva guitarra continua plorant dolcement

I love it... it gives me a lot of peace. But it's a sad song too... anyway, I love his music :) He wrote a lot of songs when he was with the Beatles (not only John and Paul wrote them!) By chance all the songs that George wrote in the Beatles are of my favourites :) For example:

LOOOOOOOVE IT! What a wonderful song! It's magic... :') I think it's one of the most beautiful romantic songs of all the world! 

There's too I Need You, Don't Bother Me, You Like Me Too Much, Here Comes the Sun, It's All too Much... all them incredible :) Really, I think we need musicians like them. Now there's a lot of people who believes they are musicians... but they only wants to earn money. So they don't love music as they did... it's so sad. I'm so glad to have discovered the Beatles and other bands as Queen, Elvis Presley, Bon Jovi, Sonata Arctica, or classical music... even soundtracks! It's so hard for me to see some of them are dead... I can't believe it. I'm always living in the past, and when I see the reality it's cruel. It seems like them are with me always, even when I'm not listening their songs. I have found them and I can't let them go away. 

George, you don't realize how much I need you. There's something in you that like me too much!  I know all things must pass, but you won't do it. You're My own Sweet Lord and you'll live in our hearts forever! 

divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011




We have chose this theme because it seemed to us funny and interesting to learn about. Well, after search the information we can describe english humour in one photo, that is this one. We can see their absurdity and exaggeration.

British humour is a general term applicated to certain comedic motifs that come from the United Kingdom. It has a lot of sarcasm and irony, and so many times it seems insensitive to other cultures. The jokes are told about everything and nothing is taboo. Elvira will explain it better after. It can be called a virtue because maybe there's people who don't understand it or simply don't find it funny.

For the other hand, this humour can seem disconcerting to non-British people. So many times people don't understand it because it's an intelligent humour or because it talks about british things. Although in some nations such as South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and Canada, tend to find it more familiar, so they use it normally in their lifes and they find it very funny.

We can't say when was british humour born exactly. But it's something you could see in Shakespeare's theatrical comedies in the sixteenth century as:
  • The Comedy of errors
  • The Tempest
  • The Merchant of Venice
You could also found it in Oscar Wilde's work, which the most important is called The Importance of Being Earnest.

One example of television programmes typical of British humour are The Monty Python or Benny Hill. They have become very pouplar outside the country, all the world knows them.

The Monty Phyton was a British surreal comedy group who have been very important in the comedy. One of his movies are Life of Brian. For the other hand, Benny Hill was an English comedian and actor, notabe for his television programme The Benny Hill Show.

So we can deduce that it appeared first in books and in the theatre. Now, we can see it also in the radio, comedy clubs, television,... included in the art! The most representant of it is the artist Beryl Cook. You can see it in this photo, where appears a parodie of british people and their stereotypes, that is one of the themes of british humour.


In my opinion I have to improve my pronunciation and try to read less. I hope someday I can do my oral presentation without a paper to read... but I think it's imposible (well, difficult) because I hate to feel observed and listened for a lot of people, even if I know them since a long time ago. For me that's the most important thing I have to improve. I can't be always so shy, I have to believe in myself... but it's very difficult for me.

But although I have read, in my opinion that's the oral presentation I have read less! 

People laughed more when they saw Yao Ming's face than in the jokes!


Natàlia: Grandpa, why are you so old?

Adrian: Cause I was born too many years ago!

Natàlia: And you Grandma, too?

Paula: Yes my Dear.

You´ll also get older Paula, wrinkles will grow on your face, and your hair will get whiter and will fall out.

Natàlia: No, that´s not true!

Paula: Yes darling. I was young like you! All my life I was looking for a solution for be ever young!

Natàlia: And did you find it?

Paula: No, I didn´t.

Adrian: But become an adult and get older isn´t so bad. You learn a lot of things and you live good moments that you can remember for ever.

Natàlia: So become an adult is good!

Paula: Yes, it is. But life is not a bed of roses!

Natàlia: Anyway, I want to live it. And in this moment get older doesn´t frightens me! I love you grandparents! 

By: Paula de Scheemaeker, Natàlia Sellés, Adrian Santeliz


I'm fond of APM?, Crackòvia and Polònia. They are my favorites programmes! In this video you can see a very fun gag of the APM... I can't contain my laugh! When I saw it for the first time, last Tuesday, my brother and me almost died. I really thought this man would hit the journalist: but his answer is funnier. Poor man... I suppose he had a really bad day.

The comment "I'm a little scared" (estic una mica cagat better) expressed at the perfection my thoughts when I see the video. His face, his expression,... it really seems he wants to kill someone. Let's imagine periodist and camera's face...

I love this programmes because they make fun of the society and let you see the situations with humour. 

dimecres, 16 de novembre del 2011

A song that I like :)

Hairpsray is a musical that I love. I have only seen 2007 version, and I loved it :) I saw the movie in the cinema and afterwards I have seen it so many times. (I love how Zac Efron appears in the film! and John Travolta is AWESOME.)

I'm fond of the movie and her songs. One of them is the next I'm going to translate, "I can hear the bells".

I explain the situation: Tracy (Nikki Blonsky) is a big girl who loves dance. She loves music and in particular a TV programme of Baltimore where appears his love: Link Larkin (Zac Efron). She wants to dance there, but there's a problem: her weight. But with her aptitude and passion she'll  be able to achieve her dreams :) 

In this scene, Tracy has seen Link and she's feeling very stunned. In my opinion this song is very romantic! I'm a romantic girl (although I don't seem so...) and this song makes me feel very daze and it puts on my face a silly smile. I love that moment when the person you love look at you or simply smiles at you. You really feel as Tracy in this scene :)  

It remembers me about platonic love... when Tracy starts to imagine situations with her love, I can't help thinking about me and my platonic love >_< Maybe for this reason I love this song, because it makes me think about me. 

I can hear the bells // Puc sentir les campanes

PENNY Tracy, are you all right? // Tracy, estàs bé?

TRACY Well, don'tcha hear them chime? // Bé, no les sents repicar?

"Chimes" not how I'd put it. // "Repicar" no és com ho diria.

Can't 'cha feel my heartbeat keeping perfect time? // No pots sentir els batecs del meu cor a un compàs perfecte?
And all because he... // I tot perquè ell....

Touched me // M'ha tocat
He looked at me and stared, yes // Se m'ha quedat mirant, si
He bumped me // Ha topat amb mi
My heart was unprepared when he // El meu cor no estava prepara't quan ell
Tapped me // M'ha tocat
And knocked me off my feet // I m'ha trepitjat el peu 
One little touch // Un petit cop
Now my life's complete 'cause when he // I ara la meva vida està completa quan ell

Nudged me // Em va donar un cop de colze
Love put me in a fix, yes // L'amor m'ha posat en un compromís, si
It hit me // M'ha colpejat
Just like a ton of bricks, yes my // Com una tonelada de maons
Heart burst // El meu cor ha estallat
Now i know what life's about // Ara ja sé de què va la vida
One little touch // Un petit cop
And love's knocked me out and... // I l'amor m'ha colpejat i...

I can hear the bells // Puc sentir les campanes
My head is spinning // El meu cap està girant
I can hear the bells // Puc sentir les campanes
Something's beginning // Alguna cosa està començant

Everybody says // Tothom diu
That a girl who looks like me // Que una noia com jo
Can't win his love // Pot guanyar-se el seu amor
Well, just wait and see 'cause // Bé, espera i veuràs perquè....

I can hear the bells // Puc sentir les campanes
Just hear them chiming // Només les escolto repicar
I can hear the bells // Puc sentir les campanes 
My temperature's climbing // La meva temperatura està augmentant

I cant contain my joy // No puc contenir la meva alegria
'Cause i finally found the boy // Perquè al final he trobat al noi
I've been missin' // Que he estat trobant a faltar
Listen! I can hear the bells // Escolta! Puc sentir les campanes

Round one // Ronda u
He'll ask me on a date and then // Ell em demanarà per sortir i després 
Round two // Ronda dos
I'll primp, but won't late because // M'empolainaré però no arribaré tard perquè
Round three's // Ronda tres
When we kiss inside his car // Quan ens petonegem dins del seu cotxe
Won't go all the way // No aniré tot el camí
But I'll go pretty far! // Però aniré bastant lluny!
And then, // I després

Round four // Ronda quatre
He'll ask me for my hand and then // Em demanarà la mà i després
Round five // Ronda cinc
We'll book the wedding band so by // Encarregarem la banda del casament
Round six // Ronda sis
Amber, much to your surprise // Amber, per la teva sorpresa
This heavyweight champion // Aquesta campiona de pesos pesats
Takes the prize and... // S'emporta el premi i....

Everybody says // Tothom diu
That a guy who's such a gem // Que un noi que és com una joia
Won't look my way // No em mirarà
Well, the laugh's on them 'cause // Bé, em ric d'ells perquè
I can hear the bells // Puc sentir les campanes

My father will smile // El meu pare somriurà
I can hear the bells // Puc sentir les campanes
As he walks me down the aisle // A mesura que m'acompanya pel passadís

My mother starts to cry // La meva mare comença a plorar
But I can't see 'cause Link and I // Però no la puc veure perquè en Link i jo
Are french kissin' // Ens estem donant un petó francés
Listen! // Escolta!
I can hear the bells // Puc sentir les campanes


Everybody warns // Tots adverteixen
That he won't like what he'll see // Que ell no veurà el que vol veure
But i know that he'll look // Però jo sé que ell mirarà
Inside of me yeah, // El meu interior, si

I can hear the bells // Puc sentir les campanes
Today's just the start 'cause // Avui és l'inici perquè
I can hear the bells // Puc sentir les campanes
And 'til death do us part // I fins que la mort ens separi

And even when we die // I fins i tot quan morim
We'll look down from up above // Mirarem des del cel
Remembering the night // Recordant aquella nit
That we two fell in love // En que els dos vam enamorar-nos

We both will share a tear // Els dos compartirem una llàgrima
And he'll whisper as we're reminiscin' // I em xiuxiuejerà mentre recordem
Listen! // Escolta!
I can hear the bells // Puc sentir les campanes


So handsome! 

John Travolta... incredible. 

dimarts, 15 de novembre del 2011

Spain's economy records zero growth

"Output between July and September was unchanged compared with the previous three months, and up just 0.8% from a year earlier. It follows a negligible growth of 0.2% in the previous quarter. Domestic spending continued to contract, the Spanish statistics office said, although this was offset by a rise in export demand.
The government faces a 22% unemployment rate, meaning lower income tax revenues and more benefit payouts.
Spanish borrowing costs have risen sharply in the last two months. The implied cost to the government of borrowing for 10 years peaked at 5.9% on Thursday, up from 5% in early October, although it fell back slightly in in early Friday trading."

It's a complicated situation in our country.  I don't know how we can survive it... but it worries me, because it isn't only my present, is my future. Our future. Is so distressing think about it... what about our dreams? Sadly, we are into a capitalist world and we need money to be "happy". I'm not saying that money give us hapiness at all, but in the most part. All we need is COMPETENT POLITICAL and ECONOMISTS. Where are they? Do they exist...? 

It affects me because I live in this country, so I have to live this situations too. We had great moments, and now we have to stand up and never give up. Will it be difficult? Of course it will. But in the end, all we are one, so we have to help ourselves and try to be happy in spite of this problems. But it would be great a collaboration of the politicals... 

dilluns, 14 de novembre del 2011

Tintin enters the third dimension

"More than 80 years since Tintin first appeared in print in Belgium, the roving boy reporter has been transformed for the big screen by Steven Spielberg. Creator and illustrator Herge's pen lines have been brought to life by 3D and performance capture techniques, in an animated movie that takes the comic book hero firmly off the page.

Actor Jamie Bell, who provides the voice and human movement for the Belgian icon, is adamant that Tintin "deserves" such treatment and calls Spielberg "the only guy who could have made this movie". "In the comic books he's not a living, breathing person. In the film, every strand of his quiff moves," explains the British star. He also reveals that while performing the actors, including Andy Serkis and Daniel Craig, had frames from the original cartoons pasted around their studio "so we could look directly at the source".

Michael Farr is a leading light on Tintin who knew Herge and has written extensively on the subject. "Herge was terribly interested in new technology and a film buff. I think he would have been very excited by the new film. "When I was writing his biography I found among his papers a note he had written three months before he died [in 1983] which said if there's one person who can bring Tintin successfully to the screen, it's this young American director - and he meant Steven Spielberg," Mr Farr explains."


Peter Jackson, Tintín and Steven Spielberg 

I have already seen the new movie about Tintin. I have to say that's AWESOME. I really recomend it to everyone, included if they are not fans of Tintin. For example, I have read a lot of comics about Tintin and I have seen also some episodes. But I never considered myself a fan (I was from Asterix team.) Even so, I have loved every minute of the movie. Not only for the story. The capture techniques have impressed me a lot. I was all the movie thinking: " Wow, what a resolution! they seem very real... incredible shots and scenes!"

It seemed to me that I was into the movie.. and I love cinema because of this. When you disappear of the world and you enter into the story of the movie, it's fantastic. A feeling that I can't describe.Hergé would be so glad because he said it: the only director who can bring Tintin in the big screen would be Steven Spielberg.  And he has done a great job! (with the collaboration of Peter Jackson as the productor... I really get interested when I heard that Peter participated in the movie.. he's one of my favorites film makers! 

divendres, 11 de novembre del 2011

My friend Pau :)

One of my best friends is Pau. He lives in Girona, but his family has a house in my town, Sant Pere Pescador, and they come every weekend or holidays. He's so cute and he acts very tender with me. I don't know why, but he always listen to my stories and worries. I have known him since I was born, I think. He has been with me all my life... he's so important to me :) We had a lot of memories and anecdotes... 

When we were children, we were always playing and doing things together. Really, if I had to describe all my summers in one word, it would be "Pau". We had lived a lot of moments together, especially in summer. Now, I can say it about every weekend because I think we are more close friends than before. Is the person who knows more about me (and I can't believe it, but although  he knows me very well... he still being my friend!)

When I want to talk about something important for me is with Pau. He's always there. Furthermore, as I have been with him all my life, I trust a lot in him. I'm an introverted person, it's too difficult for me to express my feelings and thoughts to another person. But with Pau I feel so connected :) (and with my another best friend Víctor too). 

I can do a lot of things with him. Watch a movie, talk about everything, go for a walk,... We have a lot of things in common, so I never get bored with him. Everyday is a new day, with a lot of new adventures to live together. I really love weekends because he helps me forget all my worries. I need my moment with Pau to survive the week! He's my little raccoon :3 (we call him raccoon because he really seems as them! they both are so sweet!)

 He can always make me laugh :)


Look... in this photos we are wearing the same clothes! He bought to me this shirt in San Francisco :)

I want to thank him for all his support, friendship and trust. I know it's difficult to understand me, because my character is quite changeable. But he has a lot of patience and I admire him for it :) Really, I don't know how he can put up with me! 

I love him very much. And I hope this friendship would never die... because is one of the most important things I have. 

dimarts, 1 de novembre del 2011

Basque group Eta says armed campaign is over

"The Basque separatist group Eta says it has called a "definitive cessation" to its campaign of bombings and shootings. The declaration, if followed through, would bring an end to Eta's campaign of violence, which has lasted more than 40 years and killed more than 800 people.

Spain's PM said the move was "a victory for democracy, law and reason". Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said after 40 years of bomb attacks and assassinations, Spain was now experiencing "legitimate satisfaction" at the victory over terror. He said that terror should never have happened and must never return.

Analysts say Eta has been badly weakened by a security crackdown in recent years. The declaration follows a conference this week in the Basque Country, attended by international statesmen including former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, and protagonists in the Northern Ireland peace process. They called on Eta to lay down its arms.

In its statement, Eta said "a new political age is opening" in the Basque Country.
"We face a historic opportunity to obtain a just and democratic solution to the age-old political conflict," it said. "Eta has decided on the definitive cessation of its armed activity. Eta makes a call to the governments of Spain and France to open a process of direct dialogue which has as its aim the resolution of the consequences of the conflict and thus the conclusion of the armed conflict. With this historic declaration, Eta demonstrates its clear, firm and definitive purpose."

The announcement is the latest step in what Eta claims is a transition to peaceful methods. Spain's Socialist government has continued to insist that it will not negotiate on demands for Basque self-determination until Eta disbands."

This news explain an incredible success. ETA finally have said goodbye at their armed campaign. It's a great news for Spain and also for all the world. I'm so glad with this advertisement and I hope ETA never come back. All we have to try is to live in a peaceful world. I understand that basque people are annoyed: catalans too. But in my opinion, the violent acts are not the solutions. What can we do? I don't know.... we have to stand up for our rights and try to live in a better Spain, and if they don't let us we have to fight. But not killing innocent people, not as ETA.