dimecres, 8 de juny del 2011


In my opinion, my level of english between first posts and latest, they haven't changed a lot.But maybe the latest are best explained than the others; recently I have used some new words or for example the conditional, that I didn't understand it very well before. 

The activity which shows best my level of english, for me, is all the writings that are in this blog. Because I think my oral level is a bit bad...there are some times my pronunciation is so bad, I use a lot my catalan pronunciaton... it's difficult for me...Well, but I have to say I have improved!

For me the most useful activities have been to watch movies, because I can listen pronunciation better. And do this blog because I have written a lot and for this reason I've learnt to express better. 

The worst activity has been the Workbook, because when I was doing it, I was all the time thinking it was very useless.  It's very "mechanical", you don't have to think a lot... So in my opinion, you don't learn with it, the truth is you get bored easily.

As I have said, I have liked do the blog. It's good because you can talk about things you love, but in my opinion his repercussion in the mark is low. It would have to count more, because is a lot of work!! So next year I hope we continue doing it.

Happy Holidays!!

divendres, 3 de juny del 2011


Adventures of Jack Sparrow return again in the cinema, with new characters and on STRANGER TIDES.  Jack wants to find the Fountain of Youth, but he's captured by Queen Anne's Revenge, a ship of the pirate Barbanegra. He will live an incredible adventure which he don't know who inspires him more scare: Barbanegra or the woman of his past. 

As the others movies about Pirates of the Caribbean, soundtrack and costume have impressed me a lot. The Soundtrack is terribly powerful, I love it. Only to hear it, you can carry yourself into the movie without any problems. 

Also, the plot between the siren and the boy who loves her it is extremely nice. Well, all the plot is acceptable. At first, I thought that the movie wouldn't be good.. but after see it, I think that it isn't so bad. 

Johnny Depp, as always, has done a wonderful interpretation. He lets you believe that all what happens in the movie is real. For me, this is one of the characteristics of a great actor. 
I have to say that I don't like Penelope Cruz. In my opinion, all the movies that she has record, are basically the same plot. But now, I have to bow before her, because she has interpretated a different character, but I didn't like how she acts. For me, she overacts too much... but maybe there is only in my mind. 

Apart from that, if I have to talk about something that disappointed me... I don't know. Maybe the plot is slow in some parts, but it is compensated for the funny moments. And there are a lot! Jack Sparrow always have a smile for us. 

In summarize, it is a movie that all the people that love Pirates of the Caribbean have to see (or who love pirates stories!). In my opinion, it is better than 3th movie, for example. Maybe that happens because when I went to the cinema, I had the idea in my mind that the movie would be horrible... and it was everything better than expected. 

Sorry but.. I have to say something... HE'S EXTREMELY HANDSOME

Goodbye 1st Batx!

Well, we are now close to summer. In my opinion, this year in Batxillerat has been very hard for me... I don't know how I can be alive. It has been very stressed, but I have met with new people too. I can't complain about marks, but I hope I can do better next year... 

The most difficult school subjects this year for me have been: Maths (as always), and Economy. But for my surprise, I have passed maths with good marks! I can't believe it, because since always I haven't passed maths.. well, at last!!
Economy has been new for me, and in my opinion you have to swot up on this subject... I haven't a good memory, and that's a big problem for me.  

A new subject that I have started this year and that I have liked has been Philosophy. I love it, it's incredible.. (except logical classes, because I don't understand nothing! it's very difficult to me... my logical is disgusting...) But when you talk about reality, about dreams, when you start to ask for all the tings... it's incredible for me. I love think about things, and philosophy classes let you do it.  

This summer I have to do Research Work... oh my god. Luckily, I do a theme that I love: about Tim Burton. And I will have to record a short film. It will be very difficult for me, because it will be in stop-motion... uff, it will be very hard! 
I would like to travel this summer, but I can't...  aish.

Sooo... That's my last your-say this year.  See you soon! :)

dijous, 2 de juny del 2011


"An orphaned male bear cub which has charmed Slovenia with its antics since being adopted by a family faces removal to a wildlife shelter.

Family members have bonded with the cub, which is known to hug the family dog and play on the furniture. But officials fear the fourth-month-old cub could grow dangerous. 
The family have asked for permission to build a fenced enclosure, to be more close to him.

The cub's story has captivated sections of the press in Slovenia, a mountainous Balkan state with a brown bear population."

I have been searching news, and all they were talking about misfortunes... and I found it! It's a nice and curious news. I want a bear too! It seems so sweet and funny... You can see it in this photo:

The family dog has been getting bear hugs!
But look at dog's face! I think he doesn't love him very much.. uhm...

Isn't it so sweet? I hope that the bear is happy in his new life! 

dimecres, 1 de juny del 2011

Musicians have an important role in change society. Do you agree?

In my opinion, people can change the world or society, but most of them are "invisible" for the other people. So they need to be famous, to be recognized.

It seems to me that if this person is an important musician, can, of course, change society (or most of it). I think that people need to follow someone. Most of them believe in (and follow) God. The other people have their own person or thought, their own religion.

I also believe that great musicians can open your eyes, as for example Bob Dylan or John Lennon. Their songs talk about love and peace, about changing the world and society. And... what do the fans? They open their eyes because their idol, their own God has talked about it.

So, I agree with that. I believe that musicians (and other famous people with a lot of fans) can change society. I guess that musicians can do even more, because of music. Music is magic in my opinion; a series of musical notes can change your air and your thoughts. Is like being in a trance.

So... I hope that musicians can change society into a better thing.