In my opinion, my level of english between first posts and latest, they haven't changed a lot.But maybe the latest are best explained than the others; recently I have used some new words or for example the conditional, that I didn't understand it very well before.
The activity which shows best my level of english, for me, is all the writings that are in this blog. Because I think my oral level is a bit bad...there are some times my pronunciation is so bad, I use a lot my catalan pronunciaton... it's difficult for me...Well, but I have to say I have improved!

The worst activity has been the Workbook, because when I was doing it, I was all the time thinking it was very useless. It's very "mechanical", you don't have to think a lot... So in my opinion, you don't learn with it, the truth is you get bored easily.
As I have said, I have liked do the blog. It's good because you can talk about things you love, but in my opinion his repercussion in the mark is low. It would have to count more, because is a lot of work!! So next year I hope we continue doing it.
Happy Holidays!!