The people who has born between 22 January and 19 February is Aquarius. I was born 4 February, so I am Aquarius. I didn't believe in the horoscop, but when I read the characteristics of the people who are Aquarius, I realized that I'm identical as they say.
"The Aquarius have got a strong and atractive personality. There are two kind of Aquarius: one is shy, sensible and patient. The other is exuberant, sharp and he can hide the depths of his personality into a frivolous air."
I think that I've got a little bit of both. I'm a little shy, very sensible, but I'm not very patient. And yes, I often hide the depths of my personality into a frivolous air...
I think that I've got a little bit of both. I'm a little shy, very sensible, but I'm not very patient. And yes, I often hide the depths of my personality into a frivolous air...
They say we are the more tolerants and without prejudices of all the zodiac, because we can see the two sides of the arguments. The truth is that I'm quite tolerant...
It's 100% true in my case. Well, I'm not logical... but I'm very imaginative and psychic. And overcoat, a lot of times I fly away from this world to think and meditate about things. My parents and friends have said it to me a lot of times, that I'm not almost in the real world.
And of course, I deny to follow the crowd. I hate it, overcoat if they are doing stupid things for me, as listen to electronic music, smoking a lot or wear expensive clothes.
"In spite of the open personality of the Aquarius and of their wish of help to the humanity, they don't usually make friends easily. They don't give their soul easily. But if they decide to be worth it love someone, they will be their friend or lover, and they can sacrifice all for his couple and they can be faithful for all their life. "
That's true. Since always I have had problems to make friends. I know a lot of people, but I don't have a lot of real friends. But when someone becomes my friend, I love him very much, and I'm ready to help him.
"For the negative side, an Aquarius is unpredictable and they always argues. They aren't very emotional, and they don't understand the emotional complexity of other people and betrayal between friends either. They don't like all that is daily and the imitations either."
I have got a lot of defects, and one of them is that I'm always argues with the people.
In sumarize, the Aquarius are as air (their element). Our mind is always away from here....
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