Last 9th October was John Lennon's birthday (71 years old... I can't believe it!) It was a special day for me, and for all the world.
John was a great musician and a beautiful person. He has changed a lot of lives, including mine. His music, his thoughts... he was absolutely a model for so many people. And last sunday it was demonstrated.
Yoko Ono, his wife, prepared a magical thing. The Imagine Peace Tower. It consists with a enormous light that will lit heaven until 8 december. Then, Dec 21-28, Dec 31, 2011 and then March 21-28, 2012. (it is in Iceland).
All this in memory of John Lennon. But that's not all. Yoko sent a message to the world: she wanted people to send her their wishes. These wishes would go with the light, so far away in heaven. It's a beautiful thought.. and of course, I sent my wish by Facebook and by E-mail. My only wish in that moment, (an impossible wish...) was that John Lennon were here, with us. I also wished peace and love for all the habitants in the Earth.
You can see Imagine Peace Tower here:
I have listened the speech that Yoko made. I have cried a lot. Really, last sunday I cried a lot too. It was so moving... it seemed to me like the light tower joined all the people that loves John with him.
It's wonderful to think it. Think that John has seen it... I hope so :)
I was watching to the tower one hour more or less. When I saw that it started to lit I felt so excited. There's the photo of that moment:
Wonderful.. isn't it? And if you can see it, in heaven are only two stars that light a lot. There is my thought : "The two stars on either side of the tower are John and George..." ♥
After, the clouds disappeared and appeared another incredible thing... NORTHERN LIGHTS! (Aurora borealis)
It's nice to think that John did appear it to thank us... Well, I know I'm a dreamer... BUT I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE :-) When I saw the light one John Lennon's song appears in my head:
Well we all shine on!
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on!
Everyone come on!
That night we all shone on... with you, John :)
John has changed me a lot (well, Beatles in general). They helped me to find a part of my way... I was so lost and they gave me music and love. Maybe people read it and thinks: "what a stupid girl! she's so exagerated". All my life people has said it to me.... but I'm a sensitive person (very sensitive...) who needs a model to follow. I mean, something to believe it.
Some people believe in God. They want to believe in one God to feel secure. I believe in nature, in love, in a few persons. One of these persons are the four Beatles. Really, I love that day when I wanted to increase my music culture... I was so lost and I found them. Or they found me. (and they don't want to leave me...). Because of all this John's birthday was an important day for me. I love him! :)
Little Johnny :)
John & Yoko
"But as for me I still remember how it was before, and I'm holding back the tears no more..." John, we are a world that misses you. Please, come back.. we need people like you. We need you.