Bon Jovi is one of my favorites bands. I'm happy because on 27th July I'll go there with Aura, Varela and Pau. It will be legendary! I prefer the old songs than the new, but well. Moreover, Jon Bon Jovi was so hot with long hair!!! ♥ In my opinion he has to let his hair grow up again... It would be great.
Now I'm going to translate only one of their songs, because otherwise I would die. But I think that all them are incredible, I love them!
It's hard to choose a song... but finally I'm going to translate "Happy Now". This song is very special for me. It reflects very well my thoughts... Pau show to me this song, because I didn't listen it before, so thank you my little racoon!
What would you say to me, // Que em diries
If I told you I had a dream, // Si et digués que vaig tenir un somni
If I told you everything, // Si t'ho digués tot
Would you tell me to go back to sleep. // Em diries que me'n torni a dormir?
Take a look in these tired eyes, // Fixa't en aquests ulls cansats
They're coming back to life, // Estan tornant a la vida
I know I can change, // Sé que puc canviar
Got hope in my veins, // Tinc esperança dins les meves venes,
I tell you I ain't going back to the pain. // Et dic que no estic tornant al dolor.
Can I be happy now?, // Puc ser feliç ara?
Can I let my breath out?, // Puc deixar fora el meu respir?
Let me believe, // Deixa'm creure
I'm building a dream, // que estic construint un somni
Don't try to drag me down. // No intentis arrossegar-me cap a baix...
I just wanna scream out loud, // Només vull cridar fort
Can I be happy now?, // Puc ser feliç ara?
Went down on my knees, // Em vaig agenollar
I learned how to bleed, // Vaig apendre a sangrar
I'm turning my world around. // Estic girant el meu món al voltant
Can I be happy now?, // Puc ser feliç ara?
Can I break free somehow?, // Puc alliberar-me d'alguna manera?
I just wanna live again, // Només vull viure de nou
Love again, // Estimar de nou
Take my pride off off of the ground. // Agafar el meu orgull del terra
Im ready to pick a fight, // Estic preparat per entrar en acció
Crawl out of the dark to shine a light, // Per gatejar fora de la foscor per il·luminar una llum
I ain't throwing stones, // No estic llançant pedres
Got sins of my own, // Tinc pecats per el meu compte
And everybody just trying to find their way home. // I tothom està intentant trobar el seu camí cap a casa
Can I be happy now?, // Puc ser feliç ara?
Can I let my breath out?, // Puc deixar fora el meu respir?
Let me believe, // Deixa'm creure
I'm building a dream, // que estic construint un somni
Don't try to drag me down. // No intentis arrossegar-me cap a baix...
I just wanna scream out loud, // Només vull cridar fort
Can I be happy now?, // Puc ser feliç ara?
Went down on my knees, // Em vaig agenollar
I learned how to bleed, // Vaig apendre a sangrar
I'm turning my world around. // Estic girant el meu món al voltant
You're born and you die, and it's gone in a minute, // Tu neixes tu mors, i tot se'n va en un minut
I ain't looking back, // No miro enrere
'cause I don't wanna miss it, // Perquè no m'ho vull perdre
You better live now, // Millor viu ara,
Cause no one's gonna get out alive, alive. // Perquè ningú en sortirà viuCan I be happy now?, // Puc ser feliç ara?
Can I let my breath out?, // Puc deixar fora el meu respir?
Let me believe, // Deixa'm creure
I'm building a dream, // que estic construint un somni
Don't try to drag me down. // No intentis arrossegar-me cap a baix..
I just wanna scream out loud, // Només vull cridar fort
Can I be happy now?, // Puc ser feliç ara?
Went down on my knees, // Em vaig agenollar
I learned how to bleed, // Vaig apendre a sangrar
I'm turning my world around. // Estic girant el meu món al voltant
Can I be happy now?, // Puc ser feliç ara?
I'm turning my world around. // Estic girant el meu món al voltant
In my opinion, everyone of us have asked this question: can we be happy now?