dilluns, 28 de febrer del 2011
divendres, 25 de febrer del 2011
A wonderful and mysterious Opera
The Phantom of the Opera (2004) it's a wonderful musical which was directed by Joel Schumacher, with the collaboration of Andrew Lloyd Webber. It's an adaptation of the book wrote by Gastón Leroux.
The Opera of Paris prepares the premiere of his spectacle, but a mystery is hiding behind the scenes: the Phantom. No one knows who he is, but their appearances are more frequents and that sows panic among the public. Only Christine, a young dancer, can approach to him: the Phantom is his singing teacher. He's deeply in love with her, but she don't know it.
Is an espectacular movie. The effects, music, setting... It has an important paper in the movie. The music is awesome. It's striking and peaceful at the same time.
The setting of the Opera is well fitted, it seems 100% the authentic Opera of Paris.
In my opinion, the greates scenes of the movie is at the begginig, when the Opera returns at his original state, and when the big chandelier fall down. In this scenes, there are a spectacular music and effects.
I must add the work of the actors. They have a lot of energy in this movie, or it seems. Gerard Butler (the Phantom), has a lot of potential when he sings. He puts into his character 100%, and he expresses their feelings very good.
Another great thing, are the costumes. There is a scene when they sing a song called: "Masquerade", that's incredible. All they wear beautiful costumes and masks. In general, all the costumes that appear in the movie are fascinating.
What I didn't like is a great question: I can't find the answer! When I saw this movie, fascinated me in all respects. The characters, the music, the setting, the planes of the camera...
Maybe I'm disappoint with the character of Christine Daaé. I think that she's very insecure, I mean, she never know what she wants. I hate that she doesn't have clear ideas.
In summarize, I think that's a movie that all who loves music and cinema have to see it, because it's a masterpiece.
Formal Letter
Natàlia Sellés
C/Olot num.1
Sant Pere Pescador
13th January 2011
Mrs. Pintó
Castelló d'Empúries
Dear Mrs.Pintó,
I want to talk about some aspects of the high school, IES Castelló d'Empúries.
First of all, I have to say that I agree with the projects that the high school does, like the journey to Italy and London, the activities of the music's departement, the Playback of 4th... I agree and I'm pleased too, with all the classrooms with projectors and computers, and apart from that, with the decoration of the school in general.
But on the oter hand, I disagree about some aspects of the excursions. I mean, that if we are not 60% of the people that want to go to one excursion, it will not be done.
Another thing is that the "Batxillerat" students do not have free transport or do not have free lunch in the high school. But in my opinion, I totally disagree that the students of Empuriabrava have to pay the bus and the lunch. I wonder why they have to pay, if Empuriabrava is a part of Castelló, it's the same village.
That's all I have to tell the departement and you about the high school.
I look forward to hearing about it. Thank you!
Yours faithfully,
Natàlia Sellés.
Epic Mickey is a videogame for the Wii. My friends bought it to me, for my birthday, and I'm very happy with it!
Mickey, who went through the mirror of his house, is into Yen Sid's studio, and he see the model that has created Yen Sid of Wasteland. He waits until Yen Sid's gone, so he can contemplate it.
Playing with it, Mickey creates accidentally a monster of ink called Shadow Blot, and while he destroys it (incompletely), paint and solvent tipped over above Wasteland's model. After that, Mickey go away from the house.
Shadow Blot try to take control of Wasteland and of the first resident or eldest brother of Mickey, Oswald. Finally, the Shadow Blot overcomes them, and their world turns into a dark and sinister version.
Years later, Mickey has forgotten all this story, but his mirror comes alive and takes him into Wasteland.
Oswald, who's crazy by jealousy for Mickey's fame, has formulated a plan to destroy Mickey. Mickey, armed only with a magic paintbrush, has to stop the Shadow Blot, get the confidence of Oswald and save cartoons of Wasteland.
I love very much this game. For me, it's incredible. I have discovered a lot of things about Disney that I didn't know before. Moreover, in the game you can unblock some extras, and there, you can see some things about the old Disney. I have seen an episode about Oswald, of the year 1928. It's awesome!
A part from be a game, you can discover new interesting things. I love cinema, and I love Walt Disney, so now I can learn more things about him and his world, and for me that's incredible.
I have to say to the people, that they have to buy this game if they like Disney's world. It's necessary have it if you like it!
Mickey and Oswald
I don't care if people say to me that I'm childish because I see cartoon movies, because I play this game or because I want to go at the theme park Disneyland. In my opinion, all we have our Peter Pan inside, and it's very sad for me lose him.
dimarts, 15 de febrer del 2011
Goya 2011, the speech of Álex de la Iglesia.
"[...]A movie isn't a movie, until someone sits in front and watch it. The essence of the cinema, defines itself in two concepts: a screen and people who enjoys it. Without public, it hasn't no sense, we can't never forget it. They say that I've caused a crisis. Crisis, in Greek, means process or change. And the change, is action.
We are in a point of no return, and it's the moment to act; there's no reverse. Of the decisions which are taken now, all depends. Nothing that were useful before, is useful now. The laws of the game have been changed. [...]... that something called Internet, would rebel the market of the cinema in this shape. [...]
Internet isn't the future, as someone thinks. Internet is the present. Internet is the way to comunicate, of share information, entertainment and culture, that use hundred millions of people. Internet is part of our lifes, and the new window which opens our mind to the world. At the netsurfer don't like that they call him so. They are citizens, they are just people. They are our public. This public, that we've lost, don't go to the cinema because they are in front of a computer screen. I want to say that we aren't afraid of Internet, because Internet is the salvation of our cinema. [...]
I want to say goodbye in my last performance as president, remembering at all the candidates of the Goya one thing: who cares win or lose, if we can make cinema, work on what we love? There's anything better that feeling free creating, and share this happinness with the rest. We are moviemakers, we create stories. We create worlds because the spectator lives into them. We are more than 30.000 persons that are lucky to live making dreams. [...]
This is a part of the speech that made Alex de la Iglesia in the Goya Festival of 2011.
De la Iglesia, in his speech alluded his intervention at the polemic created for this decision to abandon his position in disagreement with the law Sinde.
De la Iglesia, in his speech alluded his intervention at the polemic created for this decision to abandon his position in disagreement with the law Sinde.
The director of the Cinema Academy, that night, in addition choose of 15 goyas for the movie "Balada triste de trompeta", has claimed a new model of market that takes into account the actors, directors, producers, broadcasters and users. A change that involves a way to understand the cinema.
He remember again that Internet is the salvation of cinema. "We only just win the future, if we are who change, who anticipate."
- I'm totally agree with De la Iglesia. Also, it's very encouraging for me, because I want to study cinema. So this speech have motivated me, because before I saw my future very dark, without start.
It's hopeful that there are people like Álex yet.
I've seen a lot of movies for Internet. And it's culture, because I've seen a lot that now are very important to me. When I saw Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish, Across the Universe, Ed Wood, etc. it was through Internet. And the major part of the movies that I've seen in Internet and that I have liked them, I have bought them after. So, where's the problem? If I hadn't got any webs where see movies, maybe I would never knew them, and I would never bought them. But Sinde can't understand it.
divendres, 11 de febrer del 2011
The way that The Beatles make me feel. ♥
The Beatles were an english band of rock, that were formed in Liverpool in 1960. They are recognize as the most succesful and acclaimed band in the story of the music. They were John Lennon (rhythm guitar, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass, vocals), George Harrison (guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums, vocals).
Abbey road! Typical image of The Beatles.
All my life I have heard about them, obviously, but I got really interested in them since half year ago. I saw a movie called Across the Universe, which is a musical full of songs of The Beatles. After see it, I started to search more songs, because I didn't know so much about them. It was magic for me, because finally I discovered better The Beatles.
Well, I have put this title (The way that The Beatles make me feel), because I don't want to talk about them (because in my opinion all the people know about them), but I want to talk about how they make me feel when I'm listening to them.
It's difficult to explain... but as says their song "A hard day's night": When I'm home, everything seemed to be right.." So I think: When I'm listening to The Beatles, everything's seems to be right". Because all my worries and stress disappears. Is magic! I listen a lot of music everyday, because I think that I can't live without music.. There are bands that put me nostalgic, agressive, excited... The Beatles give me hapiness and hope. When I think that all is dark, The Beatles can be perfectly my light. If I'm down, sometimes I only have to listen to them, and I start to feel very relaxed. It's like a medicine...
Maybe the only song of The Beatles that puts me nostalgic and pensive, is "Yesterday". This song is amazing, and very beautiful.. I know all it, and some many times I have sang it whole without problems.
Maybe the only song of The Beatles that puts me nostalgic and pensive, is "Yesterday". This song is amazing, and very beautiful.. I know all it, and some many times I have sang it whole without problems.
I don't know what song is my favorite. I think that all them are great, and I suppose that there are a lot of songs of The Beatles that I have never listened to them. But I have the rest of my life to find out... :)
One of my unattainable dreams is to go at one concert of The Beatles. I never will go in one of them, sadly, but well. I really hate the son of a bitch that killed John Lennon, and when I think of it, I want to kill him with my hands...
George Harrison died too, of cancer, in 2001. It makes me sad... But if I've got a lot of luck, maybe I will meet with Paul and Ringo. That would be a fabulous dream for me!
In my opinion, The Beatles and all the bands that makes good music will live forever. If you only makes comercial music to win money, you don't love music. The Beatles loved making music, and for this they will live forever (as other bands and singers like Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley or Iron Maiden, not as Justin Bieber and this crap. Maybe a lot of girls are talking about this "boy", but after few years, no one will know about him.)
I can be talking of them a lot of time... but I have to finish. Finally, here I put a mix of The Beatles!
My Birthday
This 4th February was my birthday. Now I'm 17 years old!
Friday, I went with my Brian to dinner and to the cinema in Figueres. We saw "Hereafter" a movie of Clint Eastwood. Really, the movie's very good, but in my opinion, I think that missing something.
Friday, I went with my Brian to dinner and to the cinema in Figueres. We saw "Hereafter" a movie of Clint Eastwood. Really, the movie's very good, but in my opinion, I think that missing something.
Brian gave me roses... I love it so much!! (although it seems a little cheesy...)
I took this photo with my new camera!
I took this photo with my new camera!
On Saturday, my friends prepared me a surprise party. They are so nice...
The party was... different. And very original.
The party was... different. And very original.
Brian and me went first to my friend's house, Pau. We were playing at the Wii Sports, while the other friends were preparing the party. Then, we went to walk for the village, and there was when I saw the first surprise. One friend of mine, Shannon, and her boyfriend, were sitting in a bench. But they were wearing a mask... a Johnny Depp's mask. Suddenly, they lighted to me a candle, and they started to follow me. We were walking through the village, and I met with other friends. All they were distributed for all the village, and all they were wearing masks of Johnny Depp's characters (and of Cheshire Cat!)
This are the masks that they wore :)
Everyone of them lighted to me a candle, until there were 17 candles sparkling in the darkness.
There was another surprise for me... behind a Mad Hatter's mask, there was one of my bestfriends, Víctor. He lives in Barcelona, so I didn't think that he had came to St.Pere. It was a great surprise for me, and I started to cry!
Another great anecdote, is that Aleix Serra was wearing as Edward Scissorhands, and he made me a smiley face with his scissors in a paper. ♥
Finally, we arrived at my house, where there was a lot of food and drink in my garden. We ate and drank, and then they gave me some gifts: one letter with all of dedicatories, a videogame for the Wii that I wanted, called Epic Mickey (I suppose that I will talk about it here when finally I will can play with it.. I hate exams.) and one of my favorites movies, Ed Wood. I was really happy :)
There was another surprise for me... behind a Mad Hatter's mask, there was one of my bestfriends, Víctor. He lives in Barcelona, so I didn't think that he had came to St.Pere. It was a great surprise for me, and I started to cry!
Another great anecdote, is that Aleix Serra was wearing as Edward Scissorhands, and he made me a smiley face with his scissors in a paper. ♥
Finally, we arrived at my house, where there was a lot of food and drink in my garden. We ate and drank, and then they gave me some gifts: one letter with all of dedicatories, a videogame for the Wii that I wanted, called Epic Mickey (I suppose that I will talk about it here when finally I will can play with it.. I hate exams.) and one of my favorites movies, Ed Wood. I was really happy :)
Eating and drinking in my garden!
Nessie: who want some caaake?
Also, they gave me other gift: a video. We entered to my house to saw it. It was a video full of photos of me and of my friends and family about 20 minutes. It was nice... :)
After, we went to dinner pizza and frankfurt. That was a great day for me, and I will remember it until my dying day, of that I'm sure.
Thanks for all, my friends... you know that I love you so much! :)
After, we went to dinner pizza and frankfurt. That was a great day for me, and I will remember it until my dying day, of that I'm sure.
Thanks for all, my friends... you know that I love you so much! :)
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