I love cinema ♥ I think that it's magic. So I'm going to explain my 5 favorites movies.
I love all Tim Burton's movies, but Edward is the most special for me. And I think that's the best character that have interpreted Johnny Depp! (I "fell in love" with him in this movie).
Edward's a lonely man that lives alone in the castle of Suburbia, a little town where all the people are equal.... He was created for an inventor that lived in the same castle. But before could put him his hands, the inventor died, and Edward stayed with his scissor hands.
He has been alone in the castle all the time, but one day, a seller cosmetics, Peg Boggs, went to the castle and found him. She decided to bring him home.
There, all changed for Edward. He met with neighbours, with the society, he started to work of hairdresser, and the most important thing... he fell in love with Kim, the daughter of Peg.
Definetely, for me it's a great story. It's an incredible fairy tale... I love it because it's a movie different of all the rest. It's special, strange... it's... of Tim Burton :)
And I have to say that the Soundtrack of this movie it's incredible... I love Danny Elfman! The Ice Dance makes me cry...
This movie changed my life, I think. After see it, I changed my way of think and the way see the things.
Sometimes, I'm feel like Edward. I know that he is inside me, somehow.
This movie is very special for me too. When I'm seeing it, I can't say any word. It's magic.
Susie Salmon was raped and murdered in the 6th December 1973. But she's still be in the earth. Well, she's in-between, between heaven and earth.... he's in her heaven. And there, she can see her family, her friends, her murder...
So she has to give some proof to her father to find the killer, because her mother surrenders...
It's a great adventure in the heaven. All there is so beautiful... I love it very much. Because is like be in the paradise, in your own perfect world... the only bad thing, it's that you're dead.
This movie makes me cry a lot. Really, I cry more with the films than with the reality. Maybe it's because my reality is the fantasy, the imagination.
I recommend this new movie of Peter Jackson at all the people! (because he didn't do only The Lord of the Rings...)
I love the Soundtrack too... ♥
Another movie of Tim Burton! Sincerely, I love very much his style.
Big Fish is a story of a man... Edward Bloom ( ♥ )
He has got all the things that must have a man. (but the most doesn't have it.)
Edward is a storyteller that explains the adventure of his life at all the people. All the people love this story, but his son, William, after all the years of believe in him, he want to hear the true of the stories that explains his father (because all them are very imaginatives and he thinks that them couldn't be true)... But Edward say to him that all his stories are true.
The stories of Edward are amazing and romantics. And all them are reals, but only that he explains it with some exaggerations.
I think that the most impressionant scene in the movie is the final... it always makes me cry! (yes, too.) It's so nice... When Edward die, he becomes in that he has always been... a big fish.
A great final for a great film!
The Soundtrack is of Danny Elfman too, so I love it... :)
Yes, my favorites movies are of Tim Burton and Peter Jackson for the moment.
The Lord of the Rings... uff, what can I say about the Lord of the Rings... It's the most spectacular movie that I've ever seen. I don't like the movies about wars, but this is my exception.It's an INCREDIBLE movie, (with an incredible landscape!! New Zealand... ♥), with an amazing Soundtrack! (Howard Shore is a master!)
I have got some objects about The Lord of the Rings... the ring, the leaf of Lothlorien, the three CDs of the Soundtrack, the books, the three movies, the videogames, other Tolkien's books, extra maps of the Middle-Earth in home, books about all the things of the Middle-Earth, sticker albums, the sword of Frodo (plastic.) ... and yes, I disguised Frodo at 10 years old!
Frodo was my first love. Platonic love, yes, but well. I remember when I was 9 I was always thinking about Frodo and his adventures in the Middle-Earth. (I've been always freak.)
My dream has always been live in the Shire with the hobbits :)
But as I can't do that, I want to go to New Zealand and live there... ♥
The three movies of The Lord of the Rings are veeery loong... (especially the extended edition, that by the way I love them!)... so I can't summarized with only a few lines. But well, all the people know the story of The Lord of the Rings... no?!
An incredible movie! I love the musicals... :)
I like this movie because it has got all the things that I love in a film: music, romanticism and strange scenes.
Christian was a man that comes to Paris. He was a writter, and one day he met with writters bohemians like him. They wanted write a play and represent it at the Moulin Rouge, but they didn't know how.
So they decided to organize a meeting between Christian and Satine (the most beautiful cortesane of the Moulin Rouge) and so can do the play. But there was a problem... Satine thought that Christian was the Duke, (the man who pays at the Moulin Rouge for convert it in a theatre).
But there wasn't anything to do... Christian and Satine fell in love.
It's a great romantic film, but it's very dramatic too. (yes, I have cried with this film too)
All the songs that appears in the movie are amazing! I love them... ♥
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return..."
And that's all. I have wrote only 5 because if I write about all them I would die!
Batman Returns, Ed Wood, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Beetlejuice, Titanic, The Boy with Striped Pyjamas, Spiderman, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie in the Chocolate Factory, Sweeney Todd, Alice in Wonderland, Corpse Bride, Forrest Gump, Cry-Baby, Finding Neverland, The Lion King, Tarzan... etc, etc etc.. :)